Already Enrolled (26)


1:1 with Gunjan

You can get in a 1:1 session with Gunjan- Our founder and fitness influencer through this program. If you are lacking the direction and motivation from your life towards fitness, she will sort it out for you. In her own words, every lock has a key and she will unlock your potential to find it.If you have 1 reason for not doing it, she will come back with 10 reasons to do it.

Rs. 89900/- 100000

Key points

1:1 live video session with Gunjan

Duration - 1 hour

Motivation and Growth



Our diet plans include basic home-based food. No fat cutter drinks or fad supplements.

A new diet will be given every week. A Diet chart will be created on the basis of careful review of the previous week’s progress

We believe in sustainability and hence through this program, we work on your eating patterns and lifestyle. The meals provided promote home-cooked Indian food items. We educate our clients to understand their body's requirements and enable them to understand their own body and its requirements. Getting fitter, feeling transformed, and believing that I'MWOW is what we truly stand for.

There is no fixed answer to this question. It depends on your current weight and how precisely you follow the given plans. On an average people who enrol with us lose upto 5kg in a month.

Just as eating wrong has an immediate effect on the body, so does eating correct. It might not be a measurable effect but you will start feeling better, more energetic and shrunk within a week or two of following the diet and exercising. Weight loss or rather fat loss, is a by-product. If you follow the plan, results will follow you back .

Any form of exercise like strength training, HIIT , running , yoga etc. which is challenging and enjoyable for you is recommended. There is no definite answer to these questions. Everybody is different and so are its needs.